State of the Blog
So, many of my familiar readers know my situation. Here’s to any that filter in:
My name is Patrick Colford. I’m 28, and currently unemployed. I just came back from Korea, where I taught English for a year. I’m looking for work in a writing field, and I need to build my portfolio, and this is my honest attempt to do both.
Thanks for stopping by.
I’m going to make this blog a way to move forward in my life. I need your help. If you could share this blog with your friends, and look for a donate button some time in the near future, I’d appreciate it.
For those of you who are uninitiated, I write about gaming. I will write about what currently catches my fancy, but since I’m trying to be a paid writer, I’ll give my audience some subject material privilege too. Pay me to write, and I’ll write about what catches your fancy too. You can drop me a line at, and let me know something you heard about on Reddit, or in a gaming magazine or article online. I’ll look it up, think about it, and tell you my thoughts. I’ll try to do some research, and provide an interesting opinion.
Anyway, to add on, I’m trying to make November my time to do it. November, for those of you who aren’t writers or who don’t have writing friends, is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. It’s a time to try and use the entire month to write a novel.
I don’t think I can do this right now, but I’m working on it. I’m honest about this with myself, so I compromised. I’m going to try and make this a month to write more. So, I hope that you’ll indulge me with some time and help me write. Give me your energy and opinions, and I will let you know. Every Tuesday and Friday until the end of the month, even in the face of adversity, will have a blog post.
Thanks for everything guys. Here’s to an honest try.
-Pat (Tabor)
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